Class Homepages

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Grade 8 Math - Nov. 22nd - Dec. 10th

If you are done the HW assignment PAGES 132-133 # 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, you will be going to the computer lab on Monday afternoon  to work on THE LEARNING EQUATION 8.  Once you are logged in, click on the NUMBER OPERATIONS menu, then select DIVIDING FRACTIONS.  You only have to complete the EXAMPLES tab, the PRACTICE AND PROBLEMS tab and the EXTRA PRACTICE tab.  (See below for a HOW TO.....)  :-)

We have been working on multiplying and dividing fractions (Chapter 3 in the textbook).  We will also do order of operations with fractions as well.  Here is an AT HOME PRACTICE version of some questions students can complete under parental supervision!

Students have been working on a variety of tasks and problem solving in class.  One of them was creating a race course using their previous knowledge of fractions.

The textbook assignment for dividing was given out on Thursday, December 3rd.
         So far, we have been assigned....
PAGES 132-133 # 3, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13

Friday, Dec. 3rd, students will work on STRINGS OF DIVIDING FRACTIONS on a worksheet and start working on a text assignment, Monday, Dec. 6th of:
pages 139-140 #4,5,6,7,8,10, 12, 19
pages 145 # 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13

Students will be assigned problem solving questions with fractions from pages 151-152 in groups of 2 and create a visual solution to share with the class.

Students will practice order of operations (BEDMAS) with fractions and
do questions on page 155 #4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11

The textbook assignment for multiplying should be completed!  It was....
Math textbook assignment..given Thursday, Nov. 25th......

Pg. 109 #16, 18, 22

Pg. 114-115 # 13 - 17

Pg.119 # 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 19

Unit Test on Multiplying, Dividing FRACTIONS will be the week of Dec. 13 to 17th.

*Check page 158 in the text for the test outline.

*Try review questions on pages 159-161 #1-30 as needed asking for help from family, friends or teachers as needed!

*Do the Practice Test on the text page 162 #1-11 and feel good that you are as prepared as you can be.

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