Class Homepages

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

March at Acadia!

Here is the link to the February/March newsletter.

Days off in March include:

FRIDAY, MARCH 17th - Administration day, no classes for students

Spring break starts Saturday, March 29th and ends on Sunday, April 6th.

Classes resume at Acadia Monday, April 7th at 8:40 am in Advisor for attendance!

It is registration time for grade 8's to select their courses for grade 9 at Acadia, please have those into your child's homeroom teacher before Friday, March 7th with the registration fee.  Make sure the document is signed in all the right places!

It is also time for Grade 9 students to register for HIGH SCHOOL!!! I only have information for Fort Richmond Collegiate and Vincent Massey Collegiate. Please search the websites of other schools for their specific information.

The FRC registration forms, a cheque (made payable to Fort Richmond Collegiate) and our
schools recommendation sheet must all be signed and returned by March 13th. Please have your child
return all the mentioned items to Mr. Tony Paukovic, school counsellor. Before you send the sheet back you will need to register your
child’s courses online. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Mr Tony Paukovic at the school (269-6210).

If your child is interested in attending Vincent Massey Collegiate they will have their open house
on February 19th. The doors will open at 7 pm.  Registrations are due Monday, March 3rd.