Class Homepages

Thursday, September 4, 2014

Welcome back! September at Acadia

Welcome back.  This main page will have bi-monthly posts containing important dates for the WHOLE SCHOOL of Acadia.

Students and Parents/Guardians: Please click the toolbar ABOVE for your CLASS HOMEWORK online updates.

Please try the WEEKEND MATH HOMEWORK of logging into the textbook online for grade 8 and grade 9 math. Please contact Mrs. Snyder by Edmodo or email if you need the username/password again!

Important dates in September
* Sept. 5th - Picture Day

*Sept 19, 22, 23 Strong Beginnings - no classes: students have an APPOINTMENT scheduled on one of these days and only have to attend at that appointment time

*Sept. 24 - 7 pm Meet the Teacher Acadia gym (free ice cream!)

*October 17 - no classes
*October 24 - no classes