Below is a basic diagram of a plant cell:
On Dec. 2nd, Thursday, we will have a 1 page circulatory review quiz to summarize the important outcomes in the curriculum with respect to the topics outlined in the picture below. This was the review summary given to the students on Tuesday, Nov. 30th in class. If you have been in class and asking questions and watching videos, using the textbook and participating in the activities in class, this "quiz" assessment is just that, a 1-page review of what we have done.
On Wednesday, Nov. 3rd, a special unit test and exam review sheet was handed out and gone over with the class. We talked about the respiratory system and the circulatory system meeting at the alveoli and the capillaries for GAS EXCHANGE to occur. Please download the sheet here, and get the notes off a classmate and keep in your binder for later reference!
ASSINGMENT due Monday, Nov. 8th - DESCRIBE how gas exchange happens in the body
Option A: you can write two paragraphs, one about oxygen going in and one about carbon dioxide coming out
Option B: you can click here to download a word cycle if you are making a word cycle with your vocabulary!
Option C: you can draw a picture and describe in point form the travels of oxygen and carbon dioxide into the blood and out of the body
Option D: you can sign up for VoiceThreads (using your pembinatrails email please and record and share your presentation with me and copy and download the picture provided above to show how gas is exchanged in the body. Here is my VOICETHREAD that I made after school on Wednesday!
Here is your webquest for the HEART and CIRCULATORY SYSTEM.
Download it, click OPEN and save it to your MY DOCUMENTS, SCIENCE FOLDER.
Follow the directions, go to the websites and fill in your sheet on the computer and email it to me when you are done! You may print a copy for your binder (shrink the text to less than 2 pages if you can).
If one of the websites doesn't work or you finish, check out DISCOVERY EDUCATION CIRCULATORY VIDEOS that I selected just for you!
Mrs. Gray will be helping us learn some reading strategies when we read science texts so we can look for important information! We will learn about the components of blood.
We will be working with the textbook and learning about TISSUES of the body.
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