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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grade 9 Math - March 14 to March 25th

SPRING BREAK - 6.3 Page 292, 293#3- 6 were completed in class March 25th.  

Additionally, #7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 have been assigned to work on over the break.

They will be gone over in class Monday, April 4th & Tuesday, April 5th.

Word Problems with Equations practice - download a wide selection of them here.  Let me know if you can see the answer key (I wrote it in red and am not sure if it is showing up when you print it out or not....)

Parents and Guardians - Check your students binders because 6.1 Pg. 271 # 1,5 through to 21,24                             


6.2 Page 280 # 3,4, 6 through 17, 19  were to be completed BEFORE MARCH 22nd (the unit test).

Students who do not meet homework checks (because ample time is given in class, and classwork really is only homework when occasionally students do not complete the assigned questions during class time) up to 3 times will have a phone call home after spring break.  As a team, we want to make sure students are dedicating practice time to math and that they use practice time to hone their skills.  We ask some support from home in this matter.  Thanks!

9-1 students - Go to page 293 in the textbook (6.3 Inequalities).  Use SMARTBOARD software to copy #13 and make graphs for your answers.  Please ensure to take your textbook home or have computer access to complete the spring break assignment.  

Additionally, #7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 have been assigned to work on over the break.

Tests were given back in class and students had a chance to go over their outcomes,A-1 to C-3, and evaluate where they have improved and where they can do better.

Click here to download a copy of the outcomes list so you know what each letter number combo stands for.  For example, A-1, stands for ordering and comparing rational numbers (fractions, integers, decimals).

We have been working on outcome D-1 for about 2.5 weeks now, and I'm hoping students have mastered questions of the types indicated in the picture below.  Numerous practice sheets were utlized in class and strict instructions of practicing every night were given.

In addition, the questions completed in the text were:

6.1  Page  271 # 1, 5 through to 21, 24

6.2  Page 280  # 3,4, 6 through 17, 19

A review sheet for D-1 (and for our next unit D-2 inequalities) was handed out in class, here is an online copy for your at home review folks!

Here are 4 more review sheets that I didn't hand out in class, that have more extra practice before the test or exam in June!!
D-1     D-1(more)    D-1 (even more)    D-1 (more than you'll ever need)

Our D-1 unit test is scheduled for Tuesday & Wednesday, March 22 and 23rd.  We will do the multiple choice on Tuesday, and do the parts B and C on Wednesday, March 23rd.  We have had some issues with test question integrity when spreading the test out on more than one day, so students will only move onto the next part of the test once they are finished the previous section!

We are moving onto outcome D-2 INEQUALITIES next....expect another unit test mid-April on D-2!!

Assignments if you want to work ahead,  all future assignments for chapter 6 are available on the following handout.

Thanks for reading!

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