Class Homepages

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Grade 8 Science March 14 - March 25th

We have just finished over a month long series of labs and activities discovering properties of FLUIDS!

We did experiments with:

Flow Rate
Mass versus Weight
Finding Volume of Regular rectangular objects
Finding Volume of Irregular objects

.....and our 2 page quiz is on Thursday, March 17th (for 8-4) and Thursday & Friday, March 17&18th (for 8-7).

Your binder handout sheets included:

Density review
Buoyancy review
Flow rate lab  (Well done on the PENNY BOATS!  Our class winners in 8-7 held a mass of over 9 kgs!)
(answer key for flow rate lab first page notes)
Maple syrup viscosity lab
Pressure Dancing Queen Shoe lab

finally, here are pressure & compressibility notes
and we're wrapping up before spring break critiquing hydraulic & pneumatic inventions and powerpoints!

Make sure if you have a google GMAIL account to send Mrs. Snyder an email so you can be linked to see all the online google presentations!

Finally, welcome to U of Winnipeg student teacher, Ms. Smith who, will be teaching 8-4 science from March 22nd until April 29th!

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