Class Homepages

Monday, October 29, 2012

November at Acadia JHS!

*Here is Acadia's NOVEMBER newsletter to stay on top of current events at the school.  It was emailed Tuesday, Nov. 6th at 8 am to all parents/guardians that have supplied Acadia with a working email address!

*Grade 9 Take Your Kid To Work day is Wednesday, November 7th.  Students and parents please contact Mr. Paukovic (extension 3314) if you have any questions about the programme.  Students were asked to find a workplace and submit their paperwork to Mr. Paukovic a few weeks ago.

*Parent teacher interviews are:

Wednesday, Nov. 7th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 15th from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m.

Please bring your Acadian student with you! You will look at your first two math tests and talk about goals for math this year.  For science, you will set some goals and reflect on what we've talked about so far.

*Term 1 ends on Thursday, November 29th.

*There is no school on Friday, December 7th.

*Report cards will be sent home Wedneday, December 19th.